Start of work

  • Install the latest version of Magic Particles 3D
  • Copy AstralaxIO.aex into Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Plug-ins\Format
  • Copy magic3d_x64.dll into Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\

Add the effect into your scene

  • Open Adobe After Effects
  • Create new file Test.aep
  • Create new composition Test
  • Import files Test_1.ptc and Test_2.ptc into your project

Important! one effect = one .ptc file

  • Open the Test composition and drag there Test_1.ptc

Plugin renders 3d effects on a plane, by default. In order to setup custom view, you have to create a Camera in Magic Particles and attach it to your effect. In this case AE plugin will use this Camera for rendering.

Plugin for Adobe After Effects ~ 692,87 Kb

Astrallax studio points out that Yuriy Levchenko is not only the author of this article, but the developer of the plugin as well.